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Coach and Admin Registration

Before teams can register to participate in the Oahu League, please ensure the following is completed:

All players must be registered with HYSA on an official HYSA team roster 

Coaches and Team Administrators need to complete the Risk Management Certification

Coaching Certifications

Minimum coaching certifications must also be completed where applicable.  USSF Grassroots or USSF D License.  Click here to access available US Soccer Courses

Coaching Pass for Oahu League
  1. Registration should only be completed by applicant only.
    1. Legal name should be used (refrain from nicknames please)
  2. Complete on-line application in its entirety.  Only those completed will be considered.
  3. When prompted select "Coach/Admin Registration"
  4. Select "Competitive" for play level.
  5. All approved passes will be valid for 2-years.
    1. There is a $10 fee for all passes - payment by credit card only.
  6.  Upload a headshot.  This must be a clear photo with no pets, hats, sunglasses, or other people in the photo.  Think of a passport photo, but you can smile and do it at home.  
  7. Passes will be mailed to the address you provided in the system during registration.  
  8. Register here
  9. Pass must be worn during Oahu League matches.  
Team and Player Fee Refunds

Team and Player Fees are non-refundable.  

